
專業客製化OEM/ODM壓克力展示架/陳列架 等

新展壓克力成立於1993年,位於台中市東區, 專業客製化OEM/ODM壓克力展示架工廠。產品包含化妝品展示架,文具架,旋轉展示架,落地陳列架,DM架,海報夾,玩具防塵盒,價格牌,壓克力禮品及各式PET/PVC/PS商品等等。 如有任何問題,請來電詢問。
Shin Jan Acrylic Co., Ltd. is found in 1993 and located in East Dist. Taichung, Taiwan. We are a professtional OEM/ODM custom-make display manufactory. Out products included cosmetics display, stationary display, spinning display, floor stand, DM display, poster display, toy cover box, price tag/ board, acrylic gift as reward and so on. If you need more information, please kindly contact.
